Sunday, December 18, 2011

im a loner

once in a month im so down so emo so anger so hot temper
im so sorry for dat
but i really did feel that
im seriously scared to be alone be left out yet i love to be alone be left out
im a super wierdo just ignore me
u will get hurt if u make friend with me
guess the relationship and earth is not my thing
there is jz some moment i dunwan to talk and laugh to anyone
there is really no one can open my door and step inside even i myself can't
i think, i dont need a friend even im seriously so need it
cause i jz dun like to feel complicated in relationship
and, complicated is not my thing
i, dunwan to make best friend
i will just keep all to myself
im a loner.

1 comment:

  1. omg, haha i feel the same also lol! so lonely here but then i dont wanna talk to anyone, is like i wanna hang out with some friends, but most friends here just dont have same topic or whateva,, so I always ended up doing my stuff, study for exams, read some books.. and hang out with my bro and his friends,,and still be happy :) so yea, is okay to be alone, have some quality time for yourself.. and do something you like! :D
